This Daily Mantra Changed My Life
Looking back, I've always had a hunger for more. Whether in my career, relationships, or with myself. I’ve always felt like I wanted more, and I knew I could get more. Fearless in my pursuit, I had this whisper of encouragement deep inside. Maybe it was delusional confidence that somehow, anything could work out in my favor or maybe it was toxic positivity, Whatever it was, it made me feel invincible. It wasn’t until after becoming a mother, that I suddenly started to second guess myself. It was no longer, do whatever you want, I had to make sure every decision I made didn’t have a negative impact on my child. I lost that whisper of encouragement.
Those feelings grew after I had my second child. Holy sh*t, I’m responsible for not just myself, but TWO kids. Of course I had the support of my husband who is the daddy of my kids’ dreams. This feeling was personal. It was an internal dialog that grew louder and louder as my self confidence shrunk. It wasn’t until one night, I stumbled upon a Mel Robbins video while mindlessly scrolling TikTok. I mean, what else is a mother of two going to do after putting her kids to bed, lol.
She talked about fear, and how no matter how scared you are to do something, do it anyway. “DO IT ANYWAY”! In that exact moment, I had an epiphany. That was it, that was the whisper of encouragement, that I had buried deep inside for so long. It was something I could never verbalize out loud, but something I just felt inside. That night, I made myself a promise. No matter how nervous I am, no matter how loud the voice of self doubt was, that I was going to do it anyway. Why? Because why the f*ck not?!
Behind the invisible wall of fear I’ve built myself, was the sweet reward of “do it anyway”. Didn’t want to start a new workout class? Do it anyway. Scared to start a new business? Do it anyway. Nervous to make a new mom friend at the playground? Do it anyway! Because what I forgot along these years, was we’re all a little afraid of something. But when that voice of self doubt starts talking, you gotta tell that bitch to shut the f*ck up. And do it anyway.